Orange Orange Orange Orange
Lemon Lemon Lemon Lemon
Raspberry Raspberry Raspberry Raspberry
Cola Cola Cola Cola
100% natural aroma

Refreshing drink

with 10 vitamins

A drink full of refreshment and vitamins with great natural flavors and easy preparation. No preservatives and artificial sweeteners.

10 vitamins

Pour a piece of health to the whole family

Drinks available at these retailers

LianaVIT full of vitamins is with you

all year round

You can drink LianaVIT drinks all year round.
In summer as a chilled drink that refreshes and encourages.
In winter, again with warm tea full of vitamins for your human body defense.

All year-round drink All year-round drink All year-round drink All year-round drink
All year-round drink All year-round drink All year-round drink All year-round drink
All year-round drink

You will appreciate the drink

Preparation is quite easy

… just count to three

Príprava je jednoduchá

Empty bag
content in to the jar.


Add 1l of cold


Just stir for a few
seconds and
drink is ready to
be served.

Because the vitamins are immediately dissolved in water, they are ready to work well in the body.

* You can prepare a fizzy drink using a soda maker.
* In tea, 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of lukewarm tea are sufficient. Tea should not be hot in order to preserve all the vitamins.

Get LianaVit drinks in these stores today